Not Laughing, But Dancing

An artist with a mobility impairment reflects on her journey into dance.


Looking Back with Love Dancers’ Group has been home. For thirty-five years I’ve worked on and off, mostly on, for this art-full organization. Learning on the job has always been […]

Accumulating Objects and Disappearing Dances: A new approach to curating SF’s Contemporary Jewish Museum

A new museum is an odd place, brimming with contradictions. On the one hand, a museum building, however post-modern, is infused with people’s expectations of quietly contemplating material culture. On […]

BOOK REVIEW: The Body Eclectic: Evolving Practice in Dance Training

Twenty years ago dance was declared dead by more than a few New York dance critics who had watched both modern dance and ballet flower and, they believed, collapse. The […]

tool logic aesthetic

The idea for this triumvirate first started to percolate in my brain several years ago during an improvisation workshop. A discussion arose from a disagreement about determining if a score […]

An Interview with Joti and Bongo: Painting Cultures and Styles

The upcoming performance, Lanyee, is a ground-breaking spin on a traditional form. This three-show performance features Bongo Sidibe, and Duniya Dance and Drum Company in collaboration with the African Advocacy […]

Presence and Liveness in Online Learning: A Lesson in Choreographing Students from Afar

For the past year, I have been working on a new choreography that premiered this past April 17-26 as a part of the annual Berkeley Dance Project (BDP) directed by […]

For The Love of Dance: A Community Remembers Victor Anderson (Aug 10, 1928-Feb 7, 2017)

It is a delicate task to write about a private person. And Victor Anderson, co-founder of the Shawl Anderson Dance Center, who died on February 7 at the age of […]

Did You Know?: Khala Brannigan

Khala Brannigan is a native of Santa Fe, New Mexico and alumna of the LINES Ballet Training Program. She founded Brannigan Dance Works in 2013 and has shared work at […]

A Peruvian Heart on an American Stage: Nestor Ruiz Shares his Passion

I have worked for many seasons at the San Francisco Ethnic Dance Festival in varying capacities, and my first interaction with Peruvian dance company El Tunante and the company’s artistic director […]