My Love Affair with Carnaval

FACETED SEQUINS glimmering in the light, beads feverishly shaking, infectious mechanical rhythms keeping time, deep pounding heart beats, glistening bronzed skin. Thousands of synchronized arms and legs moving in unison. Dizzying […]

New View with Karim Baer

KARIM BAER is the recently hired Executive Director of Alonzo King LINES Ballet. Before joining LINES, he served as a presenter directing an arts and ideas program for California Institute […]

Crossroads: Part I: dancers

This article is the first in a three-part series on the transformative experiences of Bay Area dancers, choreographers and dance teachers. WHILE A FRESHMAN IN COLLEGE, I found myself at […]

Welcome, Dec 2010

It has been a good year. Entering the last month of 2010 provides me with the time to unwind, while enjoying the perennial holiday gatherings that always abound, and take […]

A Turning Point

A bounty of generous resources from our dance community and the San Francisco Bay Area is how I found my way through a return of breast cancer and the death […]

Unleashing Dance’s Potential

Lying on a clean wood floor in a light-filled room in Germany, with 80 leaders from 22 countries; I am asked to take 20 minutes to breath and pay attention […]

New Center for TheOffCenter

A new space has been attained by an artist community that has existed without physical headquarters since the closing of Mama Calizo’s Voice Factory (MCVF) in August 2010. This community […]

NEW VIEW: Julie Potter

Meet Julie Potter, the Director of San Francisco’s ODC Theater, who stepped into the role in the fall of 2016. Dancers’ Group has had the privilege of working with Julie […]

Lessons Learned Pulling Double Duty: In Conversation with Robert Dekkers

Running a dance organization is hard enough. Now picture running two. And then imagine that the pair occupy very different spaces in the dance ecosystem – one traditional and one […]

New View: Carma Zisman

ODC welcomed Carma Zisman as its new Executive Director in September 2017. Zisman comes from a family of artists in Santa Rosa and has lived throughout the West Coast, but […]