Changing the Face of Dance Around the Female Body: An Interview with Krissy Keefer

In 1984, Krissy Keefer and Nina Fichter founded Dance Brigade to create and perform dance-theater that addresses the complex problems of contemporary American women. Prior, Krissy co-founded the Wallflower Order […]

Dancers’ Group: Celebrating 30 Years

Phone Numbers, Floors, Windows and Love I often gauge the depth of my relationship with someone based on if I know their phone number by heart. There are very few […]

Working in The Garage: Tools to Help Carve Out Space for Contemporary Dance

Contemporary dance has a long history of being developed on the fringes of the cultural landscape. Choreographers have traditionally found space to make new work in basements, lofts, parking structures […]

FACT/SF’s New Commissioning Program JuMP: Balancing Breadth and Depth

OFTEN WHEN THERE ISN’T an ideal opportunity at hand, you have to create one for yourself. In that vein, FACT/SF founder and Artistic Director Charles Slender has recently created a […]

What We Talk About When We Talk About Year-End Appeals

LET’S LOOK AT end-of-year donor appeals the way a journalist would: who, what, when, where, why, and how. The “why” should be pretty obvious: the tax year is coming to […]

John Jasperse in the Bay Area: Gaps, Misuse, and the Possibility of Thick Description

John Jasperse is a choreographer known as: Cool. Brainy. Provocative. Naked. Virtuosic. Transgressive. Austere. Opaque. Difficult. Formal. Experimental. Critical. Ironic. Oblique. Pensive. Part of the witty, cerebral downtown New York […]


THE MOTTO for the Black Choreographers Festival (BCF)—Keeping the Vision For-ward—is at the core of all that we plan, curate, and present. The summer of 2003 began two years of […]

DEAF’S IMPRISONED:A New Work by Antoine Hunter/Urban Jazz Dance Company

We wear misapprehension on our sleeves as a humble offering of our humanity. This is about audience as much as it is performance. A work-in-progress of our own vantage. I […]

From One to Many: Dance is the Bridge

Brenda Butler and Christopher “Mad Dog” Thomas first met in 2020 through For You’s A Bridge, A Gift, a project that paired artists and elders with ties to Chicago’s Southside neighborhood and offered them creative prompts for their exchange.

La Tania: A Flamenco Story

A dancer’s stage presence can be powerful enough to absorb the audience to a point where they forget the notion of time and place. La Tania, founder and Artistic Director […]