Exploring Power and Agency in Early Childhood Dance

In the current political backdrop of the United States and the slew of problems we’re facing, the role of the early dance educator has never been more vital to ensuring […]

Imbuing Spirit into Cloth

  I didn’t wake up one day thinking I should create ritual costumes. They snuck up on me. They whispered to me, they brought magic into my home and drew […]

Put Yourself On the Beam

An email exchange between guest editor Rowena Richie and butoh legend Hiroko Tamano 

Keith Hennessy Questions the Economy to Create Turbulence

By Kate Mattingly A couple days before leaving the Bay Area at the end of June I saw Keith Hennessy’s Turbulence (a dance about the economy) at CounterPULSE. In many […]

What’s on Your Nightstand?

In Dance was curious about what books people are reading that are inspiring, engaging or diverting. To expand your summer booklist, we posed the following three questions to the dance […]

Zaccho Dance Theatre’s Aerial Arts Festival

An extraordinary public event approaches. Thrill seekers, arts enthusiasts, hard to please skeptics, this spectacle will not disappoint. Come August – if the crisp, bay breeze at Fort Mason Center […]

For You, For All of Us

The recent production of For You at the Marin Headlands was intended to be a break from self-absorbed, opaque art. Conceived by interdisciplinary performance maker Erika Chong Shuch, the April […]

The Cypher, The Circle & The Drums

AfroRooted is something new. And at the same time, has existed long before the name was even created.

Abadá Capoeira: the Spirit of Brazil

By Mary Ellen Hunt “I want the pieces to flow like water from one to the next,” says Márcia Treidler, evoking a serpentine image of a river of music, dance […]

Goode Space

People who are familiar with Joe Goode’s performances won’t be surprised when they hear his latest endeavor is about making theatrical experiences more intimate. What is unusual is his approach […]