Community Dialogue: Women in Dance

In developing this issue of In Dance, Dancers’ Group hoped to gather and share an array of perspectives on a topic as complex and open-ended as “Women in Dance.” Thank […]

A Conversation on Women in the Arts

Patty Berne is a co-founder and executive director of Sins Invalid (, a disability justice based performance project centralizing disabled artists of color and queer and gender non-conforming artists with […]

Speak: Sisters

All Roads Are Lined With Teeth is a new evening-length show choreographed and directed by sisters Megan and Shannon Kurashige for their San Francisco-based company Sharp & Fine. Created in […]

Score Muscles

Choreographer Christy Funsch is delivering a new home practice called the 100 Days Score: a collection of 100 prompts to spark daily creative investigations. AMONG DANCEMAKERS of a certain ilk, […]

What We Talk About When We Talk About Year-End Appeals

LET’S LOOK AT end-of-year donor appeals the way a journalist would: who, what, when, where, why, and how. The “why” should be pretty obvious: the tax year is coming to […]


WHAT BRINGS YOU DEEP JOY? This question was the opening ice-breaker of a board retreat I was recently a part of for Emerging Arts Professionals1. The question caught me off-guard, […]


Editor’s Note: As a way to further contribute to the 95 Rituals project that offers a variety of opportunities to pay tribute to the work of Anna Halprin, In Dance […]

95 and counting

score by Ann Murphy in collaboration with Wayne Hazzard, Shinichi Iova-Koga, and various texts   95 Rituals is a collaborative celebration emerging over three months in honor of visionary dance […]

Critical Dialogues

WHAT IF, rather than writing a review, a critic sat down with a choreographer to have a two-way conversation about the work? That’s the experiment behind Critical Dialogues. For this […]

Critical Dialogues: Heather Desaulniers and Katherine Hawthorne

What if, rather than writing a review, a critic sat down with a choreographer to have a two-way conversation about the work? that’s the experiment behind critical dialogues. For this […]