30 YEARS: The Dance Community’s Reflections on Rita Felciano

EDITOR’S NOTE: What better way to honor a writer—especially one like dance critic Rita Felciano— than to feed her words. Along with Ann Murphy’s article on page 3, the following […]

In Practice: Claudia La Rocco: Distance and Intimacy

The internet threatens to ruin every radio voice for me. Terry Gross, Marco Werman, Ray Suarez, Rose Aguilar—none of them looks like they’re supposed to! But then again, when I […]


Frequently entering unknown territory, even dangerous terrain, is a skill artists have cultivated. While working in the unknown can shape an artistic resilience and a tenacity of spirit—indispensable qualities to […]

Stories in the Moment: Creating shared spaces of belonging for and with people living with dementia

All screenshots captured by Magda Kaczmarska [ID: Eight images show Magda, a person with short brown hair in a white turtleneck and blue track pants and Bob and Barb, two […]

Traveling and Touring: Part II

In last month’s issue of In Dance I wrote an article that considered the history of touring dance since the establishment of the National Endowment for the Arts in 1965—a […]

A SOTA Love Letter: Ruth Asawa San Francisco School of the Arts

Photo by Brittany Ceres We immersed ourselves in our art. The San Francisco School of the Arts (SOTA) dance program director, Elvia Marta was our maestro, our inspiration, our modern/jazz […]

Funny Little Monsters and Being Safe Enough to Be Dangerous

Whether performing in Erika’s choreographic work, or collaborating alongside her with For You, I feel challenged and inspired to channel my wildness.

A ‘Thank You’ to Life: Dancing Earth Celebrates Their 20 Year Anniversary

Rulan Tangen was on death’s door as she dreamed of Dancing Earth.

Uninterrupted Refuge

dear Mum,
the tv is on, endlessly buzzing about the furious snowstorm barreling onto roofs

Adapting Instead of Excluding: a Conversation with Nadia Adame, AXIS Dance Company Artistic Director

At age 14, I had a car accident which left me with a spinal cord injury. The doctor said, “You can’t do this anymore. You can’t dance anymore. You have to find another career.”