CubaCaribe: Short Film Premieres

The Power of Resiliency 2021 July 25- August 8 Resiliency continues to be a defining theme this year. One year after our first online series, we bring you more innovative programming. Join […]


Looking Back with Love Dancers’ Group has been home. For thirty-five years I’ve worked on and off, mostly on, for this art-full organization. Learning on the job has always been […]

In Conversation

Community – a word that has gone beyond definition this past year. Especially in the Bay Area. The conversations that have been sparked are those of investigation, those of breaking down barriers, and those of not returning “back to normal.”


Someplace, else Over dinner with my best friend Danelia, who is an outdoor educator and leader, I expressed a desire to leave San Francisco for some ‘nature therapy.’ I shared […]

Programming Growth at Chitresh Das Institute

Think about the different studios that have been part of your dance training. What kinds of programs did they offer? Ballet, modern, jazz, “world dance” forms…perhaps there were also classes […]

tool logic aesthetic

The idea for this triumvirate first started to percolate in my brain several years ago during an improvisation workshop. A discussion arose from a disagreement about determining if a score […]

Undanced Dances Through Prison Walls During a Pandemic

A virtual event centering 6 dances written inside Norco Prison, a 40-minute dance film, 11 artists conversing on dancing in carceral spaces (7 choreographic interpreters, 4 formerly incarcerated narrators) Produced […]

Dancers Choice Award 2018 – Carla Service

A salute to movement. A glimpse into this region’s rich, diverse dance community. Bay Area Dance Week is back! From April 27-May 6, dance professionals, enthusiasts and fans will gather […]

Zaccho Dance Theatre’s Aerial Arts Festival

An extraordinary public event approaches. Thrill seekers, arts enthusiasts, hard to please skeptics, this spectacle will not disappoint. Come August – if the crisp, bay breeze at Fort Mason Center […]

Traveling and Touring: Part II

In last month’s issue of In Dance I wrote an article that considered the history of touring dance since the establishment of the National Endowment for the Arts in 1965—a […]