I Wonder if My Neighbors Can Hear Me Singing

In March, when we received the Stay at Home Order, I was burnt out. Most days, I was driving in circles around the Bay to keep up with my freelance gigs, eating peanut butter sandwiches in my car between jobs, and desperately in need of a break. I couldn’t have imagined when we received that first Stay at Home order on March 16 that we would be here now.

Beauty in Search of a Resting Place

Does an artist have a responsibility to anything or anyone other than their whim?

Being Blurred: Ralph Lemon Interviewed

Ariel Osterweis Scott (AS): The last time I saw you was at a Miguel Gutierrez performance. I remember you said something provocative regarding an explicit performance art piece I hadn’t […]

Keepers of Home: Muisi-kongo & Kiazi Malonga

Muisi-kongo Malonga and Kiazi Malonga are the children of Malonga Casquelourd, a world-renowned Congolese dancer, drummer and choreographer who built an exceptional legacy in the traditional arts in the US, and spent half his life activating Congolese culture at the Alice Arts Center (now named after him), in Oakland, California

Anchor Us: Making and not Making in the time of Covid

For two artists who are self-producing events for their local communities, the notion of having a practice that negated any kind of product appealed—at once sustainable and restorative.

Collaborative Optimism: a score for a -ship

  I found love in the palm of my hand. My fingers reach into a primordial, interconnected web of memory that manifests tangibly in the landscapes I have traversed. When […]

Collective Matters on Dance and Other Body Modifications

Dancing Around Race (DAR) explores the socio-cultural dimensions of race within the interconnected fields of choreography, dance presentation, dance training, funding, curatorial practices, and dance criticism in U.S. contemporary and […]

dancing close to home

My mom lives alone, about a thirty minute drive away, in the condo complex where my two sisters and I grew up. There’s a sprawling rosemary bush out front, planted […]

10 in 10 with Alyssa Mitchel

You are reading excerpts from Andréa Spearman’s recorded conversation with Alyssa Mitchel 10 in 10 theme music: Bright, upbeat pop music that you may hear in a teen-centered drama series. […]

Critical Dialogues: Heather Desaulniers and Christy Funsch

What if, rather than writing a review, a critic sat down with a choreographer to have a two-way conversation about the work? That’s the experiment behind Critical Dialogues. For this […]