A Sense of Belonging Among Ever-Changing Circumstances

I began teaching Dance for PD® in Oakland, in 2007. The classes are free and open to anyone who has Parkinson’s disease.

Leave a Message, I’m on Vacation

To describe my relationship with dance as “love-hate” would be a gross understatement. In the years since I first spun barefoot across the rec-center multi-purpose room at Olinder Elementary, I’ve […]

WestWave Dance Festival Artists Speak

In addition to our interview with Joanna Haigood, we asked the 45 artists participating in this year’s DanceWaves and Film Night to offer up a first person perspective—or in grant-speak, […]

What’s in a Name: The Legacy of Everybody’s Creative Art Center

The 1970s were a time in America when black people awakened to their African heritage and were taking on new names more fitting their history and characters. For dancer and […]

For the Love of Dance; Dance Writers on Criticism, Nov 2007

Dancers’ Group asks seven Bay Area dance critics questions about their jobs and role of dance criticism.

Not Laughing, But Dancing

An artist with a mobility impairment reflects on her journey into dance.

Brown and Rauschenberg: Forays into Collaboration

Hopkins Center, Dartmouth College Loew Auditorium, Hood Museum of Art September 24, 2009 Jeff James, Howard Gilman Director of the Hopkins Center for the Arts: Welcome to a conversation between […]

Musing on Merce: The Bay Area Remembers Cunningham

Merce Cunningham’s relationship with the Bay Area was deep and career-spanning, so on the eve of his company’s final performances at UC Berkeley, Claudia Bauer asked several local artists to […]

One on One with Meg Stuart

When New Orleans-born, Berlin-based choreographer Meg Stuart walks into a crowded room her presence ricochets against the walls penetrating the bystanders. The stakes are at once raised and there is […]

What’s in Place

Not every year is like 2015. The Supreme Court upheld marriage equality, the Warriors won the NBA title, and we celebrated Anna Halprin’s 95th birthday. The median price of a […]