Got Space? Launching A New Online Directory of Performing Arts Spaces

HAVE SPACE? NEED SPACE? Starting November 15, the Bay Area Performing Arts Spaces (BAPAS) online resource holds the keys to hundreds of venues throughout the Bay Area. The BAPAS website […]

Grassroots to Cyberspace: Evolution of Dancing Earth

Birthed from a vision from Founding Artistic Director Rulan Tangen to create global Indigenous contemporary performing arts opportunities, Dancing Earth is rooted with one foot in Yelamu – occupied Ohlone territory also known as San Francisco, California and the other foot in Ogaa Po Ogeh – occupied Tewa territory also known as Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Soft Power

Uncomfortable sweat drips under my arms, my cheeks burning as I speak up on the panel. I challenge an application because it’s unclear how the applicant belonged to a marginalized BIPOC community and why they share stories of this community as a cis-white person.

Beauty in Search of a Resting Place

Does an artist have a responsibility to anything or anyone other than their whim?

Gravitating Towards Elders Through Somatic Education

Parenting of grandchildren is one of the many situations older adults face. It demands multiple skills and staying on top of their physical and mental health.

LENORA LEE: Sharing Stories Through Dance and Film

The pair of programs Lenora Lee will present September 26 – October 5 at Dance Mission as her company’s 7th season will be a good opportunity to be introduced to […]

We Write Ourselves as We Move

I was born in the early 1980s in the coastal city of Durban, South Africa, to a nurse and a lawyer.

The Dance Ecosystem: National Conferences & Conversations

IN THE DANCE ECOSYSTEM each individual role is reliant on another, requiring dialog and sharing. Ongoing conversations strengthen the relationships between dance artists, choreographers, administrators, presenters, funders and the press. […]

An American in Düsseldorf: Shifts in Perspective: Experience at a European Dance Festival

This summer I was invited to join Dance/USA as part of the American delegation at the Internationale Tanzmesse NRW, a biennial international dance festival and conference in Düsseldorf, Germany. I […]

A Virtual Concept: Taking a New Look at Technology and Networking in Artist Residencies

CounterPULSE wanted to try something new with Performing Diaspora to better support work from artists, document the process of production and to interact with audiences. We created a virtual artist […]