The Problem of “Culturally Specific” Dance: The Search for a Critical Multiculturalism in Dance, Apr 2009

One of the blessings of Bay Area living is our access to a rich variety of dance—a choreological panopoly often summarized, for the sake of convenience, as “modern, ballet, and […]

The Women in White

It was not until my first year of college that I asked myself why women were always dying in classical ballets. Now entering my senior year, this question still haunts me.

A Red Thread: Creating Dance Across Cultures and Politics, Sept 2008

San Francisco, May 9, 2008 Abby Chen of the Chinese Cultural Center, invited me to create a site-specific improvisation on the bridge that crosses through Chinatown into downtown San Francisco. […]

In Conversation: David Herrera and Jocelyn Reyes

You are reading excerpts from David Herrera and Jocelyn Reyes’ recorded conversation. Listen to the conversation. Transcript of the full conversation

Decolonizing Industries of Care: Nursing These Wounds

In California, one out of every five registered nurses (RN) is of Pilipinx descent.[1] These nurses are also disproportionately represented on the front lines: bedside as well as in intensive care units, emergency rooms, nursing homes and long-term care.

Musings on The People’s Palace

Joanna Haigood’s Zaccho Dance Theatre is also an ancient art that portrays the living bodies of a place in motion, flight, and proximity to the stories that become enshrined built and unbuilt places upon the earth.

Making public our private: exhaustion, gossip, and unfinished sentences

The first thing you should know about our friendship is that when we are together, we get off-topic immediately. We are excellent at tangents. So, when Bhumi emailed us, we […]

Pilot: Start-up Strategies for 2013

This article discusses the Pilot Program, ODC’s long-running incubator for emerging artists, and contextualizes how it functions within the San Francisco Bay Area as well as the larger dance community, […]

I Wonder if My Neighbors Can Hear Me Singing

In March, when we received the Stay at Home Order, I was burnt out. Most days, I was driving in circles around the Bay to keep up with my freelance gigs, eating peanut butter sandwiches in my car between jobs, and desperately in need of a break. I couldn’t have imagined when we received that first Stay at Home order on March 16 that we would be here now.

Dance/USA Fellowships to Artists

Dance/USA Fellowships to Artists (DFA) supports dance and movement-based artists from across the U.S. and its territories who work at the intersection of social and embodied practices. DFA recognizes the […]