SPEAK By Sarah Crowell

“Dance is the fastest, most direct route to the truth.” –Gabrielle Roth I can’t remember a time when I didn’t want to dance, sing and tell stories. In all of […]

Embodiment and Liberation: It’s not a sin to tell your story

Sins Invalid–a multi-media performance project that explores sexuality, embodiment and the disabled body–is dedicated to telling the kind of stories that empower, liberate and transform both our individual bodies and […]

Dancing Archivists: A Conversation

Hallie Chametzky and Sarah Nguyen are archivist dance-makers who met at the Mark Morris Dance Group Archives, where Sarah was working and Hallie was visiting, in the fall of 2019.

Artists in Exile: Latina Immigrants’ Stories Through Flamenco

After reaching almost fifteen years in exile and noticing the increasing number of fellow Venezuelan immigrants across the US and the world, I pondered the question of how to encapsulate a displaced legacy.

When Salsa Swipes Right on Somatics, There is a Match

Photo by David Poertner What if the digital space could be a reprieve, an alternate reality for postcolonial dance research? Perhaps now, working outside of institutional demands, brown perspectives can […]

Double Visions

This past June I attended two professional events that offered their shares of stimulation and stupefaction. This year’s Dance Critics Association conference, which I have attended for many years , […]

Upaj (Improvisation) of Life Captured on Film

Having personally witnessed the development of Pandit Chitresh Das and Jason Samuels Smith’s relationship on and off the stage, I was thrilled when the announcement of a documentary to capture […]

Dimensions Dance Theater: Four Decades Strong

The City of Oakland became a hot bed of cultural awareness and political and social activism for the African American community during the 1960’s and 1970’s. As a result, several […]

Longing: The Global Postmodern Poetics of David Roussève’s “Saudade”, Mar 2009

The same moment I discovered how much my body could be hated is the same moment my heart discovered how much I could be loved. This was a life that […]

Speak: RACE

1968 was a tumultuous year: Dr. Martin Luther King was assassinated; the Vietnam War was losing support; Muhammad Ali was found guilty of draft evasion; and Apartheid in South Africa […]