For You, For All of Us

The recent production of For You at the Marin Headlands was intended to be a break from self-absorbed, opaque art. Conceived by interdisciplinary performance maker Erika Chong Shuch, the April […]

Rauschenberg Medical Emergency Grants

Do you need help paying for critical medical, mental health, or dental treatment? Have you had to suspend or reduce your creative practice because of a medical emergency? This national […]

Decolonizing Industries of Care: Nursing These Wounds

In California, one out of every five registered nurses (RN) is of Pilipinx descent.[1] These nurses are also disproportionately represented on the front lines: bedside as well as in intensive care units, emergency rooms, nursing homes and long-term care.


*We are noticing schedule and price shifts as our communities start to re-open, please allow grace as we update our listings. Share your online offerings (classes, panels, etc). Choose “Community” when […]

Ad Infinitum Identities: The work of Pseuda & Kim Ip

Pseuda can be seen from a stage, holding two metal chain ropes attached to the limbs of another body. A doll, a dancer, Kim Ip. It’s Halloween, 2015, at B4bel4b Gallery, and the audience doesn’t yet know that Kim and Pseuda are chained together until they begin to stretch away, the chains syncing a nexus between bodies.

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    COMMUNITY SUPPORT Through community support we are able to: Amplify the work of the dance community by getting the word out online. Provide a free email and online […]

In Practice: NAKA Dance Theater in the time of COVID-19

Photos by Scott Tsuchitani On our way out of Margaret Jenkins’ CHIME event on December 8, 2019, José Navarrete invited me to have a conversation about NAKA’s social justice work, […]

Going Bicoastal: RAWdance Does a Triple Take

Photo by Hillary Goidell For fifteen years, under the banner of RAWdance, Wendy Rein and Ryan T. Smith have been teaching and producing work in San Francisco. Their leadership in […]

The Salimpour School at 70: Belly Dance for the 21st Century

Surrounded by myths, misconceptions, and sometimes maligned, belly dance as we think of it today—with two-piece costumes baring the midriff, presented in restaurants and renaissance faires—is actually quite young. While […]


Tomorrow, I get to walk across the Golden Gate Bridge. I will do this with my niece and her three young children, ages seven, five and two. Selfies will be […]